This article attempts to analyse the South China Sea (SCS) conflict
from the standpoints of both Vietnam and China. The paper discusses
the factors that contributed to the recent escalation of the VietnamChina conflict, the implications of the competition for Vietnam and
other regions of interest, including the People’s Republic of China
and the United States, and the potentially desirable Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) solutions. The research method
was based on reviews of recent reports and surveys published in
newspapers or think tanks. This qualitative analysis elucidates and
deepens our understanding of the SCS dispute. The research is
significant because it sheds light on the issues at stake, particularly
from the perspective of Vietnam, an ASEAN member. With this in
mind, the hope is that academics and stakeholders can make the best
possible use of the data, various arguments, and analyses presented
to advance knowledge through correction and further research. To
resolve this issue, the study concluded that China and Vietnam must
meet and discuss it. The United States’ involvement in this maritime
dispute complicates an already complex situation.