Since the ancient times and for centuries, South China Sea has been the hub
of transmission of trade, culture and political power in its neighboring
countries from the main centers of power located in China and India. It has
been the medium of communication and transportations for trade goods
through merchant fleets, ships and vessels. Besides that, it has been the
center of naval fleets moving to Indian oceans and Pacific oceans for
political access in South East Asia. South China Sea has always been
noteworthy to China, for being an area of influence due to its location.
Currently, it is evolving as an important pillar of China’s national interest
and national sovereignty which is based on the substantial features of the
South China Sea. However, along with China, there are other countries such
as Philippine and Vietnam with their strong claims either on the basis of
historical influence or on the basis of United Nations’ Convention on the Law of Sea
More infomation: The Simmering Territorial Dispute In South China Sea: A Legal PerspectiveThe_Simmering_Territorial_Dispute_In_Sou