China and Vietnam are sharing great historical background and common heritage. For almost ten centuries from 3 B.C. to 1000 A.D., China was controlling the Vietnamese land with the direct rule China, and assimilated culture and intervened land by China as well. However, even though this long occupation Vietnamese nation could maintain their nationalistic ideology and seek for the full independence from China. “To the Vietnamese, the years of Chinese rule and domination is a reminder of Vietnam’s weakness and vulnerability vis-a-vis its huge neighbor” states (Ang, 2002). This indicates the asymmetric relation of both countries and the difficulties
Vietnam has been facing. The most prominent feature of this relation comes from the
conjunction of geographical proximity. Additionally, the nature of China, different ideological configurations, and the external influence on the region, such as the USA as the most important actor have increased the tension during the history and yet main conflict topic of Southeast Asian islands issue has not been resolved. Therefore, interplay of history, and geopolitical and geo-economics maneuvers have contributed to the tension and the cooperation between both countries at the same time which can be potentially destructive and constructive, depends on the management capabilities of both countries.
More infomation: Sino-Vietnamese Relations and Issues (Terry McDonald Tallinn 2020)Sino_Vietnamese_Relations_and_Issues