Indo – Pacific Economic Framework for prosperity agreement relating to a clean economy



The Parties to this Agreement:
RECALLING the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, done at New
York, May 9, 1992, and the
Paris Agreement, done at Paris, December 12, 2015;

SEEKING TO: advance and mobilize cooperation and collaboration on research, development, commercialization, availability, accessibility, affordability, and deployment of clean energy and climate-friendly technologies, as well as on policy frameworks, capacity
building, technical assistance, investment, innovative financing approaches, public private partnerships, and networks that deliver quality and sustainable projects and
solutions towards their shared objectives;
enable sustainable and inclusive trade and investment within and across their borders
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by sources, increase removals by sinks, and build
climate resilience in the region by sustainably unlocking and utilizing the region’s
abundant clean energy resources and vast carbon sequestration potential;
promote employment in the clean economy and in just transitions through the creation
of quality jobs and decent work, including labor rights as defined by this Agreement;
and advance efforts and cooperation that: promote best practices and facilitate the conduct of trade, investment, or business; use best available science, sound data, and evidence-based analysis, including taking into account local and traditional knowledge, to make informed decisions, measures, activities, and reviews of progress; foster the interoperability of relevant policies and standards related to the clean economy, consistent with domestic laws, regulations, and rules; facilitate sharing knowledge, information, and expertise that lend support to understanding and addressing the challenges of transitioning to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and resilient economies; and avoid harm to the environment and minimize adverse impacts on natural resources.

More information: Indo – Pacific Economic Framework for prosperity agreement relating to a clean economy.
